Let’s enhance the everyday experiences for you and your audience.

Let’s dive into the details to deliver delight.

With twenty years of working in retail, design, and living and traveling around the world, I’ve refined my editorial and curatorial eyes with a deep discernment and appreciation for the why of things. With an intuitive understanding of market trends and ceaseless curiosity, it all comes together as an intentional approach to experiencing everything we create and do.

I’m here to help move your vision and purpose forward with hands-on knowledge, aesthetic intelligence, pragmatic sensibilities, and a creative spirit.

How to work with me:

Project or Retainer

Perfect for brand and organizational campaigns and initiatives, brand experiences and activations, community engagement/events, product development, interior space-making, and so much more.

1 Hour Advisory Session aka Y.E.S. Sessions (Your Energetic Spark)™

Great for brainstorming, troubleshooting, and resource inquiries to help you get out of wondering and into action.  I also like to call these Y.E.S. Sessions (Your Energetic Spark)™ for that reason.

This one hour session can help with practical operational insights as well as spotting opportunities within your marketing and product/service/brand experiences. Investment: $150.

What to expect:

• 1 online questionnaire prior to the advisory session

• 1 hour to tackle your top questions and more via phone or video call (you  choose)

• 1 recap email after the advisory session with related links/resources

Ready for Y.E.S.? I'll respond with available dates & times within 48 hours.

Keen to connect?

Can’t wait to hear from you.

Thankful for these kind words

“Ana Maria has an eye for what's hot and what's not, and she certainly knows what consumers will spend money on. As we took Artish Studio and our designs beyond art into shoppable designs, Ana Maria was a critical counselor for our sales strategy, price-setting, and drop-ship model. She helped us think about ways we could refine our products and market them differently to various demographics to expand our reach. She was always a hands-on early adopter of our products and a strong advocate for Artish Studio to her deep network of retail and media connections. Ana Maria is passionate about supporting good design and good brands, and her passion combined with her expertise make her truly great at what she does.”

-Abby Ross, Co-Founder of Artish Studio

“Ana Maria brings an impeccable design eye, vast knowledge of the retail/commerce landscape, and an infectious energy to every project she takes on. She's always down for a creative brainstorm, and she understands real people and their real needs at home. She helped me formulate and refine a holiday decorating service that I wouldn't have had the confidence or vision to pull off without her support, and I credit its success to that discussion. She's wildly talented, a wonderful person, and she's a true leader in the female-owned, small-business landscape.”

-Jourdan Fairchild, Founder of Spruce Creative Studio

“Besides being a joy to work with, Ana Maria is a take-charge person who can present creative ideas and communicate the benefits. She successfully developed and implemented marketing plans for our property, One Colorado, such as establishing a social media presence and strategy, coordinating advertorial media buys, and creating events that engaged the local community. Her events were always unique and well attended.

I cannot recommend Ana Maria highly enough. Her upbeat and positive attitude affected our whole office, and she was well-liked by fellow employees as well as members of the community.”

-Sally Lunetta. Shopcore Properties

“I have looked forward to every session I've had with Ana Maria regarding my freelance artist business. Her personality is magnetic and her enthusiasm is contagious. I would leave every brainstorming session with her invigorated and with a renewed sense of direction no matter how bogged down and lost I felt beforehand.

Ana Maria's ability in spotting and unlocking the potential in any scenario, project, or event is incredible. Her taste and intuition are unmatched by anyone I have ever met in my decade long career in design. She has an innate ability in creating memorable narratives and the care and consideration that goes into everything she creates and curates is uncompared.”

-Katie Stewart, Artist

“Ana Maria quickly became a trusting resource for me as my corporate gifting company evolved and ultimately extended into the online retail space. Her insightfulness was invaluable and I often found myself thinking, “What would Ana Maria do?”

Her multi-faceted background is what brings a uniqueness to the forefront of everything that she does. Her desire to seek, and often require, the beauty in the everyday really resonated with me. She has an incredible ability to connect with people and to extract information from the conversation so much so that by the end of what you think is a casual chat ends up being a well-executed plan for what’s next!

It is Ana Maria’s effortless approach to genuinely wanting to see people succeed that makes her an invaluable partner in achieving and accomplishing your overall goals.”

-Shelley Kimball-Dodge, Founder of W/Compliments